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Welcome future members!

A Unique Kansas City Network

Our members are as diverse as they come, we are definitely not just engineers.


We always need members to help with design, fundraising, local volunteer events, and strategic planning. Here is some basic Q&A about us, as you consider becoming a member:


1. What is Engineers Without Borders about?


We are all about providing critical infrastructure to communities in need.


2. How do I get involved in EWB-KC?


    It’s simple! Just follow the bullets below!​


  • Sign up on the Google Form here: Member Info

  • Like our Facebook page here: Facebook

  • Start coming to chapter meetings, on the first Monday of every month, as well as other events, happy hours, and fundraisers (see Facebook or Website for event calendar)​


3. How do I learn about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved?


  • Read the monthly newsletter! When you sign up on the Google form above, you will begin receiving the emailed newsletter, which contains chapter news, upcoming events and relevant involvement opportunities.

  • Look for events being added to our Facebook page. Join our group to get notified of a new event: EWB-KC Facebook Group

  • Check the website calendar at

  • Ask an officer to join our Slack group, which we use sparingly to remind members of upcoming meetings and events

  • Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. Reach the current Recruitment officer at Contact information for other members of the Leadership Team can be found here:


4. What international projects is the chapter currently working on?


  • La Cuchilla, Dominican Republic - Water Supply & Distribution

    • Increasing water availability and system reliability for community of 450 residents by:

      • Drilling a new well to replace the deteriorating, ill-functioning existing well (Completed - Dec. 2018)

      • Install additional water distribution pipes to ensure water availability to all residents (Completed - Dec. 2018)

      • Construct a pump house to securely house the well, controls and maintenance equipment

      • Install a new pump capable of filling the storage tank faster and running on multiple power sources

      • Install an adequate, reliable power source for the new well pump

    • Learn more here:


  • Los Chunureles 2, Guatemala - Water Storage & Distribution

    • Construct a water storage tank to regulate peaks in water demand and address existing peak-hour water shortages 

    • Install a pipe system to connect the source to the new tank, and the tank to the homes, 25% of which do not currently have running water

    • Perform water quality tests to determine the potability of the current water source and design a treatment system as required

    • Install water treatment system


5. What engineering areas does EWB-KC work in?


  • Water – Supply, Quality, Piping

  • Electrical – Generation, Distribution, Storage

  • Structural – Foundations, Steel, Misc. Structures

  • Environmental – Water Quality, Erosion Mitigation, Climate Change


6. I want to get involved but can’t/don’t want to travel abroad. What can I do?


  • International Projects - the travel team makes up only a small number of members who contribute to an international project. You can be a part of the project team and make meaningful contributions without travelling. 


  • Local & Domestic Projects - help out closer to home by lending your expertise to a low-income community in the U.S. in need of basic-needs infrastructure. Learn more about the domestic project we have completed here:


  • Quarterly Fundraising Events - these are fun and we can’t do the life-changing engineering projects without them! We need help finding appropriate events, acquiring raffle donations, scheduling venues and advertising.


  • Community Service work in the Kansas City area - while our focus is in international developing areas, we don’t forget to give back to our own community.


  • Mentor to a Student Chapter

    • there are five local student chapters near Kansas City (KSU, KU, MU, MS&T, UMKC)

    • Provide engineering guidance, reviews if needed, and be a resource for the students for all things EWB - sometimes this just means offering advice on how to organize their chapter leadership or offering fundraising tips


  • Be a Responsible Engineer-In-Charge (REIC)

    • Performs quality reviews of domestic or international projects within or outside of chapter

    • For members with some engineering experience (PE or other experience requirements may be prerequisite)

    • especially critical since projects cannot be started without an REIC

    • student chapters often look to the professional chapters for an REIC

You may run into our members at some of these companies

The answer is 42.

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