We are excited to announce a new Student Chapter Grant! The Professional Chapter will select one student chapter each year to receive a $500 grant. More details to follow.
Project Abstract: The project abstract should present a concise summary of the project. It should be no longer than a page and include the need for the project and the population it will serve, as well as a brief description of the project and its goals and objectives. Make sure you include the amount of funding that is being sought. Finally, mention how the program will be evaluated to measure the success of the programs. The abstract should be the last section you write.
Statement of Need: The statement of need should describe the problem that the project will attempt to address. Also, describe the population/community that will be served.
Program Description: Describe the project or program and provide information on how it will be implemented. Include information on what will be accomplished and the desired outcome.
Goals and Objectives: Describe the project objectives in measurable terms that address the needs of the project.
Timeline: Provide a project timeline.
Budget: Include a budget summary for the project as well as the amount of matching funds provided by the student chapter.
Evaluation: Provide information on the metrics that will be used to determine the effectiveness of the project or program.
Appendix: Provide any additional items that are relevant to the project.